To the Writers of Non-Commercial Fiction

To the Writers of Non-Commercial Fiction

The author P.J. Fox has taken up a good amount of space in my brain lately. I don’t even remember how I got to thinking about her so intensely again, but it led to me perusing her Amazon author page and buying two of her paperbacks (which is pretty much the only...
Why I Write Dark Erotic Fiction

Why I Write Dark Erotic Fiction

On the surface, I write for the same reason many, if not most, authors write: to create the stories I want to read. But why dark erotic fiction? Why dark love stories? Well, beyond the base answer (they turn me on and thrill me), it’s to scratch this itch that...
What is Erotic Horror?

What is Erotic Horror?

Erotic horror is one of those genres I’m not sure I should use to describe what I write as an author. Some of my stories are certainly erotic horror, but others feel too much like dark fantasy or some other genre. But I’m getting ahead of myself. What is...